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View Full Version : Registration from UK to Italy

26-07-2012, 08:14
I'm guessing nobody on here knows what's needed to get a UK car successfully registered in Italy?

There may be someone else I can ask (who's Italian).

26-07-2012, 08:23
Roberto maybe?

26-07-2012, 08:33
Carlo sent his Corse back to the UK after he built it for IVA. So I'm assuming for an un-registered car that that is the first step. ie. it needs a current EU registration to be "exported" into Italy.
Incidentally I understand that the car is still here something like two years on. Another Napiersport triumph, perhaps, although I also understand it's now out of their hands. Probably just as well.
I'm assuming we are perhaps talking about your own car here are we, Chris. So already with an age related/donor plate?

26-07-2012, 08:38
I'm assuming we are perhaps talking about your own car here are we, Chris. So already with an age related/donor plate?

Yes John. It's SVA'd on a Q though (in 2003). So no donor car.
I'm also asking 'my man in Italy', well, he's in the UK actually.

Any help welcome though.

26-07-2012, 08:41
Hi Chris,
so you have some from Italy who want purchase your car?
you have PM.

Enzo :cool:

26-07-2012, 08:54
Hi Chris,
so you have some from Italy who want purchase your car?
you have PM.

Enzo :cool:

Yes Enzo,
I don't know just how interested though?

26-07-2012, 10:03
David May? He ran a Corse in Italy.

26-07-2012, 10:13
David May? He ran a Corse in Italy.

I've not got a contact for David?
I think his car was first registered in Italy, not imported? I might be wrong.

26-07-2012, 11:27
I've not got a contact for David?
I think his car was first registered in Italy, not imported? I might be wrong.

Sorry, I've not got his email any more.

26-07-2012, 11:35
I believe David is in Brazil!
I had some exchange of email with him a little while ago, but he's not in contact with the scene anymore.
Davids car was registered in Italy for sure. I remember his plates, but if it was registered here beforehand I don't know.
It would probably have been SVA here. Certainly he was a CAE customer so prior 1999/2000.