View Full Version : Access member's sections on the forum?

23-11-2015, 17:16
I paid for a membership at stratosec.com/join.html assuming that this would give me access to all the members areas on the site but I still don't have access - was my assumption incorrect?

23-11-2015, 18:29
Membership does give you access to all of the forum, but it needs processing by humans. - if you have paid access will be granted soon!

23-11-2015, 18:31
Cool, thanks for the reply.

The Slug
23-11-2015, 18:42
Hello Choob, you now have full access, the delay was because it had to be done manually.
Had you gone down the route here (http://www.stratosec.com/Forum/showthread.php/13-Join-the-Club) it would do it automatically for you.

Just one other thing you have registered as in Kenya, but your postal address is London.
Which is correct please?

Best Regards
Welcome to the club.

24-11-2015, 06:52

Both are correct. I added the London address as there was a postage fee to the sign up process - if you want to post me anything you can send it there.