View Full Version : Image copied?

23-11-2019, 09:00
Is this the future, somebody has been tea leafing, but I think our original was by far the prettiest.

See here. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=Eu7YXc_jL_Pggwe-94CgDA&q=tesla+cybertruck&oq=tesla&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.1.0.0i131l8.9772.12457..15933...0.0..0.995.1668.2j1j0j1j6-1......0....1.......8..41j41i71j41i22i30j41i10.CwyTXYY0W8A

23-11-2019, 12:39
Nah, don't think you need to worry, Robin. I think they "styled" it on the day Elon gave out the new rulers. I was, actually, amazed they managed to get the wheels circular and not like a giant-size threepeny bit! (For those born later than 1970 and therefore wondering what I'm on about, try googling it. Or maybe I shoulda said "50p piece" instead.)

24-11-2019, 14:30
Yep, looks like a very poor Delorean kit car assembled in a very dark coal cellar. Someone has nicked the flux capacitor too......

Stratos Fear
24-11-2019, 18:07
Yes - I saw that (and the unbreakable windows that were broken very easily) and thought they had used the local junior school as their styling house. How embarassing on all counts !

Guy Mayers
24-11-2019, 18:20
IVA Compliant? Just a bit too pointy!

David J
24-11-2019, 19:56
According to the BBC news 150,000 orders for it have already been placed!!!!