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View Full Version : Hello from Staffordshire/West Midlands!

08-11-2020, 07:50
Ladies and gents, I hope you are all well!

I just thought I'd say hi, as I'm in the market for a Stratos replica, having owned a number of "non mainstream" motors over the years and always hankered for a real stratos, but never been able to afford the initial purchase or the time to mother it.

Craig & Lydia over at LB are obviously very busy, I have tried to initiate contact a few times, to ask technical questions, but am still waiting for some answers and hopefully a visit.

Thanks all,

Best wishes,


Stratos Fear
08-11-2020, 09:20
Mark - you could try asking your technical questions here on the forum - there is plenty of expertise here ! LB are inundated with work - we know - and the current Covid circumstances are not helping - but there are plenty of excellent engineers/mechanics and very clever people (and I dont include myself in any of these categories !) on the forum who would be happy to help.

09-11-2020, 07:12
Thanks for the heads-up, Will do!
PS: I hope you've fixed your wiper issue.
Your colour combo looks great. Nice boot, too!
Best wishes,

Guy Mayers
09-11-2020, 10:07
Mark, if you're struggling to get ho ld of Craig it'll be because their factory is in the middle of nowhere with poor phone reception. They probably also get a whole load of emails too. Keep trying, they'll get back to you.

That said, are you aware that LB Cars order book is currently closed? Too much demand at the moment, I'm sure Craig will respond to this at some point. I'd also say that whilst Gerry at Hawk Cars is taking orders his waiting list is approximately 18 months and growing.

You may be lucky and stumble across a part built kit but there are a lot of people chasing them too and they're few and far between. Fully built cars do come to the market occasionally. Keep an eye on this forum, we're pretty good at highlighting anything that pops up and, if needs be, pointing out potential issues.

In the meantime, if you're set on building a car it's time to start collecting and reforming donor components and looking for a donor car to run whilst you wait for the kit to arrive!


Stratos Fear
09-11-2020, 11:25
Thanks Mark - and get that order in ! (communication issues notwithstanding !) and Wiper issue fixed - I hope

13-11-2020, 06:09
Hi guys, thanks for the responses!
Interestingly I used to live in Liverpool and am on the way down to West Sussex today!, appointment at Gatwick airport. Small world.
Robin pointed me toward the current Total Kit Car magazine article, detailing his LB. Very interesting read.
I'll try to contact Craig again via e-mail and see what happens.
Thanks again.
Best wishes,