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Guy Mayers
09-11-2020, 10:18
Some sad news today, Guy Croft passed away last night after losing his battle with cancer. He was known to a lot of (older) Stratos Club members in the early days when the standard engine fitments in Transformers/Alloras/Littons/Hawks/CAE were Lancia Beta twin cams. Anyone wanting an engine tuned invariably turned to Guy Croft for his expertise and lots of us have copies of his book on building twin cam engines.

I last saw him at Phil Dolby's garage day last year and it was a pleasure to talk to him again.


09-11-2020, 18:12
Very sad news.
Spent many hours talking about porting gas flows and valve to piston shadows.
Will miss him, one of the old school.

09-11-2020, 18:25
Yes,very sad news.
Bought many parts from him over the years and chatted to him many times on the phone.
He even worked at DK Eng for a 'very' brief period 20 odd years ago.
First time I actually met him was at Phils last year.
Will be sadly missed in the car community.

David J
09-11-2020, 19:15
I met him at Phil’s last year, he asked me if my twincam was a real one (ie one his engines) yes it is I replied. He then enquired if I would take Gloria for a drive in my car which I did.

09-11-2020, 21:58
Never met him, but chatted to him on the 'phone about the Beta Volumex engine.
He was very helpful, a lovely man.
A great loss.:(

10-11-2020, 20:35
That is really sad news , what a loss to everyone, a top bloke. I also had the pleasure of meeting him at Phil's, Guys enthusiasm and love for the Lampredi was super obvious to say the least:)

It was a real treat to follow one of his recent builds in September on our Beta day, what an engine!!!
I will treat my Lampredi with due respect on my 'commute' tomorrow.

Paul Eustace
12-11-2020, 21:53
Guy built my 8V engine. He helped me with so much of the set up. Visits to Guy's workshop were always a pleasure. It was good to have known him.

13-11-2020, 07:45
I also had quite a lot of dealings with Guy, but only through faxes and email. He helped me a lot with engine tuning over the years with advice and supply of parts, for a number of twin cam cars. I've got his books and DVD's. He was very talented, a real loss to the community.

17-11-2020, 14:28
Sad news indeed. May he R.I.P.

02-12-2020, 17:19
I've added a message on the "muchloved" page set up to remember Guy, on behalf of all the club members. For those who don't know, the address is

Tribute to Guy Croft, 1954 - 2020 (muchloved.com) (https://guycroft.muchloved.com/)

03-12-2020, 09:24
Nice touch Norm. Thanks for doing that.
I never met him but found his book very informative.
Passed it on when my old Volumex went so that someone else could benefit. Of course could do with it back now having acquired a 2 litre twink with the Allora. I suspect I will have to invest heavily to get another copy!

David J
03-12-2020, 11:19

I have two books dated 1996 & 2010 by Guy Croft Modifying and Tuning Lancia and Fiat Twin-Cams should you require any information from them please get in touch.


03-12-2020, 12:14
Thanks very much David. In the meantime keep them under lock and key with the family silver. Have you seen the asking price on ebay!?
Speaks volumes for the mans reputation I'd say.

David J
03-12-2020, 12:39
Yes, I see there are two of his first additions on EBay for £150 and £200. Ouch!!!!

03-12-2020, 19:46
Good call Norm, I have put a link on the Beta forum.

I understand the high book value, mine has quite a few oily fingerprints throughout! used as it should be... like the cars:cool:

04-12-2020, 08:54
Sad news :(
Riposa in pace!

i have a part from him on my Fiat 131 Abarth engine.

17-08-2021, 09:41
By way of an update Guy's wife Gloria has now taken over the business and can supply parts for twin cams from Guy's extensive stock. Gloria hasn't got Guy's experience but she has been very helpful and was able to get a manifold made for me.
So if you need twincam bits she is well worth contacting - you can reach her through the GCRE forum.


17-08-2021, 11:49
Thats great news!

17-08-2021, 12:41
Anyone know where she is based... the workshop at Lincoln is closed

David J
17-08-2021, 16:44
Some where in Bedford