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10-04-2021, 18:45
Hi All
Step 3 – From 17 May

Rules of Six will come into effect indoors (subject to review)
Indoor seating can resume in pubs and restaurants
Indoor entertainment venues like cinemas and theatres can reopen
Domestic overnight stays can resume
Organised indoor adult sport can start again
Weddings and other “significant life events” can include up to 30 people
Remaining outdoor entertainment, such as performances, can resume
Remaining accommodation can reopen

The current government prediction according to the road map out of this current shit situation states that....
"17th May 2021 - Remaining outdoor entertainment, such as performances, can resume" ..........
There are earlier possibilities if you are prepared to interpret the rules in a certain way...... I have tried not to do this.

Therefore looking at what they are saying I believe we could have a garage day on Saturday May 22nd @ 10am...

If anyone has any reasons why not please say so !... good idea / bad idea ??

Provided everyone brings a face mask we have plenty of room for people to spread out.

Tea, Coffee, biscuits, sanitiser will be provided

So if people could register their interest in the usual way !


Phil............. please bear in mind that this may change due to Government conditions

12.04.2021 - Attendees
David + Chris
Tim + 1
Tom + Paul
Dave C
Uncle Ken + 2
Ducatiman + 1
Chris H+1
John H
Dave E + 1
Chris and Jane S

10-04-2021, 19:49
Phil. Great idea we are all in need of some social interaction. With my limited experience I’m not sure if a garage day will breach 30 people. Would love to attend. All the best

10-04-2021, 20:38
It's the "indoor adult sport" that's got my attention... ;)

Great idea, and bung me on the list! Assume I'll be attending with the Boy Richard in his Stratos, but like you said, government restrictions may mean they simply won't allow him out.

11-04-2021, 07:34
A visit to the Duke & Duchess of Southwell,? ummmmmmmm that could be an attractive break out trip. Ive checked the Callander and were on.

David J
11-04-2021, 08:40
You can add two more to the list Chris will come down with me.

Guy Mayers
11-04-2021, 08:57
Sounds like a great idea! The car needs the cobwebs blowing out of it..... See you there!

11-04-2021, 16:23
Hi Phil, I would love to attend your Garage day, but not sure if I can make it yet. Can you please just put me down as a possible +1 ATM and will confirm in due course.

11-04-2021, 20:57
Count me and slightly Orange Beta in, Nice one Phil, best do of the year & well overdue!!!

11-04-2021, 21:47
Hi Phil,

Myself and Mr.Hassle will travel up together.
Look forward to seeing everybody after a rubbish 2020!


Gordon Caro
15-04-2021, 09:26
Another one to add to the list please.

15-04-2021, 09:30
Hoping to attend, looking forward to it!

Sounds like I've already been volunteered for chauffeuring Norm!

15-04-2021, 10:03
Hoping to attend, looking forward to it!

Sounds like I've already been volunteered for chauffeuring Norm!................... indeed you have !

Guy Mayers
15-04-2021, 11:14
Hoping to attend, looking forward to it!

Sounds like I've already been volunteered for chauffeuring Norm!

And what does Sara have to say about that?

15-04-2021, 12:35
She said something about him deserving everything he gets. Which will likely include earache, cold shoulder, hard stare and many other afflictions :)

Ken Tomblin
15-04-2021, 13:48
Hi Phil

Could you please add me + 2 to the list

Kind regards Ken

15-04-2021, 21:42
Hi Phil, I would love to attend your Garage day, but not sure if I can make it yet. Can you please just put me down as a possible +1 ATM and will confirm in due course.
Hi Phil, can you please change me to a definite +1

15-04-2021, 23:01
Yes please..................+1 (maybe)

The Slug
21-04-2021, 11:48
Would love to attend +1 pls.

21-04-2021, 17:46
Would love to attend +1 pls.... Nice one Ian !

22-04-2021, 23:37
Hi Bernard,
put me on the list too please. Looking forward to actually meeting people again and hopefully there will be some finished cars to drool over too.
Cheers Steve

11-05-2021, 22:50
Well, I've managed to go and double book myself... Very sorry to say that I can't come!

Afraid I will be elsewhere, flying the flag for Team Lancia, in my Ypsilon at a road rally up north. I had thought the rally was on the Sunday but my (much more organised) navigator has informed me otherwise. B*llocks!

At least I've realised now, 'cos I don't think the marshals would be waiting at the time controls 24 hours later...

Apologies, Phil, as I'd really been looking forward to giving the Strat a blast out. :(

12-05-2021, 09:00
Great - that means Fatman (me) will be undertaking this perilous mission alone, seeing as the Boy Blunder (Richard) will be flying the flag for freedom (ooh, alliteration!) Oop Norf. Better get the Fatmobile checked over for the trip South...well :)

12-05-2021, 10:16
That situation did flash across my little mind as soon as I read Richards post, so looked this up which you may need?


Arriving for afternoon tea!!

12-05-2021, 11:28
Thought OAP's got a discount ????

Never mind Rich... good luck in the Ypsilonion thingy !

12-05-2021, 12:22
Hi Phil, can you please change me to a definite +1
Well Phil, apologies, it must be the month for overbooking - I blame relaxation of Lockdown measures. My +1 has bailed too, so like Norm I will be Billy no mates. Looking forward to it.

13-05-2021, 13:51
Hi Phil,
Do you have room for one more?


14-05-2021, 07:41
Hi Dave
Yes of course !

17-05-2021, 17:16
Hi All

Looks like it's a goes for Saturday...look forward to seeing you all



17-05-2021, 18:22
Hi Phil,

Do you have room for one more? my eldest lad would actually like to see a finished Stratos for a change!


Guy Mayers
17-05-2021, 19:20
Sorry peeps. Family matters mean I probably won't be able to be there this year. Hope it's a dry day and everyone else makes it! Lots of pictures please!


17-05-2021, 20:28
Hi All

Looks like it's a goes for Saturday...look forward to seeing you all



Phil, apologies if I've missed it elsewhere in the thread, but wondered what time your Garage day starts? Looking forward to it.



17-05-2021, 20:46
See PM..............
Hi Phil,

Do you have room for one more? my eldest lad would actually like to see a finished Stratos for a change!


17-05-2021, 20:52

Phil, apologies if I've missed it elsewhere in the thread, but wondered what time your Garage day starts? Looking forward to it.



18-05-2021, 08:16
Thanks Phil, must be blind, just seen the front page and its there plain as day!

18-05-2021, 10:29
Hi All....

To confirm the postcode is NG25 0QP.... should put you right on the spot !

Could I ask you to please drive respectfully through the village and also take care as there are several Tractor movements now.



Guy Mayers
18-05-2021, 10:36
Have you tried "What Three Words" Phil - that'll put them right outside your garage door. Either of them!

It might be Resides.Confusion.Carriage which I think might be appropriate!;););)


18-05-2021, 11:04
Guy, concise and apt!

18-05-2021, 13:23
It works !!!!!!......there's a clever boy Guy....... at least you didn't put in the 3 word code for the Master Bedroom !!

Have you tried "What Three Words" Phil - that'll put them right outside your garage door. Either of them!

It might be Resides.Confusion.Carriage which I think might be appropriate!;););)


18-05-2021, 13:29
If you want to be a bit more 'risque' (or downright crude) you could use: https://www.fourkingmaps.co.uk/.......

18-05-2021, 18:18
Hi Phil,
Could you please fit one more in, as I'm now able to attend.

Guy Mayers
18-05-2021, 19:47
It works !!!!!!......there's a clever boy Guy....... at least you didn't put in the 3 word code for the Master Bedroom !!

Well if I knew whereabouts the Master Bedroom was Phil but it could be any of the following:


I think I like this game. But I'd better go check the ones on our house before this gets really silly.:rolleyes:
Anyone else got any dubious combinations?

18-05-2021, 21:11
Haven't checked but suspect ones round my place will be "Go.Get.Stuffed" and "Stop.Being.Arse"

19-05-2021, 09:34
Hi Phil

Is there possibly any slots left for me and my wife Julie for the garage day.
I can't believe its been over 2 years since the last one when I remember meeting Guy Croft.

19-05-2021, 10:45
Hi Pete
At the moment I have 16 cars listed as coming so I think I had better draw a line here, so I am sorry that you will miss out.....
We don't even have any additional parking in the village.
Sorry about that... maybe next time

Hi Phil

Is there possibly any slots left for me and my wife Julie for the garage day.
I can't believe its been over 2 years since the last one when I remember meeting Guy Croft.

19-05-2021, 11:00
Anyone else got any dubious combinations?



19-05-2021, 17:29
Hi Phil,
Never mind, by next year I might just have my Allora on the road.
If anybody does drop out then please let me know.

19-05-2021, 18:32
Hi Phil,
Never mind, by next year I might just have my Allora on the road.
If anybody does drop out then please let me know.

Hi Pete ... will do

19-05-2021, 19:33
Hi All,
I think I’ve missed the boat too. I’m new to the forum and was looking forward to seeing some cars and talk to some owners.
Have a good day guys and girls.


20-05-2021, 19:56
Sincere apologies for short notice but looking likely I cannot make it or will at best be late. Not sure if there is an option for someone else to attend.
Wishing you all the best

22-05-2021, 16:25
Phil, it was really good to see you again today and many thanks for your hospitality. It was also really good to meet some new folk as well a say hi again to some I met last year on Norms North East run out. Only downside is I now find I have a nasty case of garage envy!

22-05-2021, 18:42
Hi all... if anyone took photo's please post here.....

The host forgot !

David J
22-05-2021, 19:38
Good to see everyone again after such a long time and some new faces being introduced to the world of Stratos. Big Thanks to Phil for hosting the day. Only 12 days to go to the next event.

22-05-2021, 19:44
Yet another ace garage day at Phil's. One day some TV crew or other will turn up and produce a documentary.....it'd be bloody boring tho if you didn't know the people, and after seeing it you'd never come near the SEC :)

Some great cars there today! The LB ALBARELLA car, Dave Evans' Martini supercharged Toyo-engined LB, David Jowsey's Allora (that car just keeps on going, doesn't it?) and some weird posing yellow thing that the owner obviously painted that colour simply for attention. Didn't see who it was, cos couldn't find a mirror at Phil's.
There was also Chris and Jayne's new Alpine A110 looking good, a rather tidy Mk. 2 Escort, and Tim's indefatigable Beta Coupe. And the less said about Phil's Porsche the better...!

Great crowd of people and some interesting chats about this and that. Think everyone was over the moon with finally being able to get out to a do! Let's see if the enthusiasm can be maintained for David's Yorkshire Drive in a fortnight....well there'll be beer and wine involved, so how can it possibly go wrong?? (let's start a list.)

So, many, many Thanx to Phil and Helen for letting us all consume their carefully-conserved stash of loo rolls. Much appreciated! :)

22-05-2021, 21:10
Just got home after a great day at Phils.
Really good to see everybody after last year.
I hope photos were taken because I was chatting too much and forgot:(


22-05-2021, 21:28
Many thanks Phil for hosting the day, it was good to catch up with peeps.
Another one here that forgot to take pictures so hopefully some will appear as if by magic soon.
Looking forward to the Yorkshire drive in a couple of weeks, I may even have a full compliment of catches securing the bodywork by then:)


22-05-2021, 22:47
I’m sorry that we were not able to be with you today, was looking forward to getting out and catching up with you all. i was hoping to show you my little piddlers.

David, we will be with you in Yorkshire, even if the Crutches that Carol managed to put herself on late on Thursday have to be tied on the roof, unless by then i can get the Hacksaw to them to be able to fit them inside.

Hope there were some photo’s of today, I’m dying to see evidence of Buttercup!!


23-05-2021, 06:56
Great day, great friendly people, and well worth the 3.5hrs from South Wales to sample the fine coffee and huge spread of esquist biscuits!

Thanks norm, for picking me up at the layby and chauffeuring me to the venue. Your soon to be new car looks great, thanks for letting me sit in it and go vroom, vroom. I hope you get it before Christmas!

Cheers Phil for welcoming me at short notice, the endless coffee supplies and the use of venue. That garage is amazing, it's got everything. I'm surprised it doesn't have central heating, or does it?

It was really great to catch up with my old work colleague Tom from many moons ago and introducing me to everybody. Will catch up again soon.

And lastly the cars, old and new. It was great to actually see them in the flesh and to look at all the intricate details and engineering involved. All cars present are works of art from the decade in which they were built. But with a car as good looking as the stratos you can't really go wrong!
Shame I didn't get to see a Hawk this time. That would of been nice, as I could of then gone home with a better idea of what's available and what jacket suits me, so to speak! In the meantime, I'll keep on doing my research and see what pops up!

See you all again soon.

23-05-2021, 07:33
I’m dying to see evidence of Buttercup!!Robin

I can report that Buttercup was the yellowest yellow thing I've ever seen. The wheels have gone a funny colour though?

Big thanks to Phil and Helen, as ever, and to David Jowsey for chauffeuring me down in his Allora Stratos, all the way from Outer Mongolia.

23-05-2021, 08:56
Thanks to Stimbow AKA Justin for the photos.
I will up load them now.

23-05-2021, 08:59
Garage Day Photos

23-05-2021, 09:02
More Garage Day pics

23-05-2021, 09:04
And the last lot

23-05-2021, 10:51
Thanks Phil..............Great catch-up with everybody, hopefully the first of many for 2021.................

23-05-2021, 10:52
Norm..............Car looking really good, not long now......black wheels looking awesome.............:cool::cool::cool:

23-05-2021, 10:55
Thanks for the invite and hospitality, Phil.

Great day out! It was nice to meet you all and hear of your projects and experiences. Hopefully I'll be joining you in ownership soon!

All the best,


23-05-2021, 10:58
Looks like a great day.
That yellow car with the black wheels looks good. ;)

23-05-2021, 11:07

23-05-2021, 14:03
Suppose I should explain that black wheels are temporarily fitted due to a peculiarity of UK car licencing laws. Apparently you can't have coloured wheels if a car's not registered, so the blue ones are presently stored away till after IVA and DVLA procedures are completed.
Also, it doesn't help that there's a problem with one of the wheels (not LB's fault), so it'd look odd having non-matching rolling things :)

As for the yellowness: I'm very chuffed as it perfectly matches the stripe up my back. just the job!

Once again, good to see everyone after what seems like forever, and meet some new peeps. Thanks again to Phil and the ever-patient neighbours, and a personal one from me to Craig for bringing my car on trade plates (while obviously conducting test procedures, ahem).

Robin, sorry to hear about Carol, but really hope you'll be at the Yorkshire Run in a fortnight. Does it mean the car will be running in "limp" mode?? ;)

23-05-2021, 14:21
I can report that Buttercup was the yellowest yellow thing I've ever seen. The wheels have gone a funny colour though?

Norman, doyouknow, I thought you had had a change of mind, following pangs of consciousness that your colour scheme was to closely resembling an organisation who's primary distinguishing colours are very similar, and with whom you may have had a few close relationships with in the past???

23-05-2021, 17:33
Oooh, that's cryptic! Are you thinking of the Swedish flag? - cos I've never had a Volvo or a Saab....or even eaten the vegetable, as far as I'm aware...

Stratos Fear
23-05-2021, 19:58
Apparently you can't have coloured wheels if a car's not registered,

- haven't heard that one before - what's all that about then ? (not a late April fool is it?)

23-05-2021, 21:01
Oooh, that's cryptic! Are you thinking of the Swedish flag? - cos I've never had a Volvo or a Saab....or even eaten the vegetable, as far as I'm aware...

Given the clues my bet was... ;)


23-05-2021, 21:03
Given the clues my bet was... ;)


Haha!! - That's brilliant!

23-05-2021, 21:14
I'll have you know I've never needed the services of Alcoholics Anonymous!! - well, apart from that time when....

Pete, the registration thing is little - known, as is the fact that you also have to pay extra for a colour licence, because it doesn't apply to most people with monochrome wheels.

24-05-2021, 17:25
Thank you Phil for hosting the garage day. It gave me added enthusiasm to get my ageing Allora back on the road. My wife Julie would also like to thank you and everyone there for making her feel welcome. She enjoyed chatting about the whole Stratos thing. I will now be beavering away on my Allora in earnest and will be there next year if I can get the endless list of things mended that 25 years of neglect have resulted in.

24-05-2021, 19:47
Massive thanks to Phil & Helen for having us, It's been a grim start to the year & this was a real treat. THANK YOU:).

Barring huge and obvious mistakes I will be in the Hawk next year, hopefully along side a slightly more sophisticated version (no pressure Andy!!!) and maybe an elusive Allora?

Lets get cracking!

Tim & Jacob.

24-05-2021, 20:02
What, Andy's got one??? Nooo, you're having me on! ;)