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View Full Version : Lanvia beta coupe ignition barrel.and housing

04-06-2021, 18:38
Need an ignition barrel and housing with keys for a lancia beta coupe, does anyone have one spare, can't find my keys and no one can cut another key to match

04-06-2021, 22:24
Try Marelli part no: 064420601010

Also stamped on barrel: 0206A (or reads on my invoice as: Q206A)

I found one on Ebay in 2019 from a chap called: Piotr Sulowski Auto Czesci for £39! brand new, think it may be shared with some other Fiat's/Yugo's etc.

It works perfectly and has a spare key , there maybe more useful information on the Beta forum. Marks Betaparts shop seems to be out of stock.

Good luck,


05-06-2021, 12:44
Thanks Tim, looks right there are two on ebay but 139, I'll check my coat at the cottage later this week to see if the key is there first, I have key cover but have to convince them the replacement barrel is cheapest option