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View Full Version : Calendar 2022

Stratos Fear
02-10-2021, 12:14
It's Calendar time again!

OK folks if you want a calendar next year I need your photos once more.
You know the routine - preferably new photos , about 5Mb file size - or bigger - although I'll have to get someone to cut them down, pictures that havent been used before and which you have permission to use.

That's it - please E:mail them to me at cutlerpj@aol.com with a few notes if possible about where and when they were taken. As you know I usually make one deliberate mistake to see who's awake, so your details are useful unless you want more than one deliberate mistake!

Photos as soon as possible please - it would be good to have a draft calendar by the end of October.


Peter Cutler

03-10-2021, 12:56
There may be some here.All taken by me so are mine.Not all taken this year.The yellow one is real!


Stratos Fear
06-10-2021, 12:47
Thanks Andy - and to everyone else YOUR PHOTOS PLEASE - address as in earlier post.

12-10-2021, 08:48

'See PM.

12-10-2021, 10:03
I sent some pics, didn't hear owt back. I assume they're ok.


Stratos Fear
12-10-2021, 10:22
Hedge - sorry I was away for a few days. Piccies received with thanks - I will check them out.


Stratos Fear
06-11-2021, 09:06
Last call for calendar piccies .

Thanks to all of you who have submitted photos - but there are some that unfortunately I cannot use and as a result i'm still looking for 4 photos. If you dont want to see 4 shots of my car please check if you have anything that might be suitable for our calendar.
If you submit them ASAP that would be good (cutlerpj@aol.com)

06-11-2021, 13:20
I've submitted 354 pics of my car. Hopefully at least 353 of them are suitable :D

06-11-2021, 16:48
Threaten them with putting in a portrait of the chairman if enough aren't forthcoming....

06-11-2021, 18:43
Not sure anyone's ever managed to take any pics of me cos the cameras keep breaking... no idea why....

06-11-2021, 22:16
Could you not just "ADD" say 15 days to the 8 months you have pictures for?


Stratos Fear
07-11-2021, 13:12
Well some interesting suggestions chaps - and there wont be too many of Jim's Alitalia but one or two more would be useful .



Stratos Fear
10-11-2021, 12:09
UPdate .
Thanks to everyone who submitted photos - I've used what ones I can but as always there were some that were not suitable for a number of reasons.
If there is a preponderance of photos of one make that is because I received photos of that one make not because I happen to be building one ! So in that sense the photos were self-selecting.
The Calendar is now compiled and will shortly be going off to the printers - so thanks again to all those who submitted photos.


10-11-2021, 16:04
Thanks for all the hard work, Pete. I just hope that you've alternated the pics of your and Jim's cars so we don't get 6 consecutive months of each :)

Stratos Fear
11-11-2021, 09:44
I always enjoy putting the calendar together - I think this must be the fourth or fifth I've done now - and in fact no pictures yet of my car. You'll have to wait and see if there are any of Jim's !

11-11-2021, 17:56
Next year we could threaten peeps with naked pics of the committee to fill the calendar, if you don't get enough of the cars. That should do the trick. In fact several will be keeling over right now, after reading this :)

11-11-2021, 20:18
Next year we could threaten peeps with naked pics of the committee to fill the calendar, if you don't get enough of the cars. That should do the trick. In fact several will be keeling over right now, after reading this :)

With a whole year of advanced warning Norm I'm sure I can muster up enough Photoshop kung-fu to turn you into a long haired bronzed beach bum sporting a 6 pack of abs and bulging biceps to die for. It's either that or we end up with a photo of a yellow car with blue wheels... and nobody's gonna believe that hasn't been altered to look weird ;)

12-11-2021, 16:38
Just use an old pic of me, then you'd only have to add a six-pack, biceps and change the colour from "pasty white" to "bronze". Already had the hair....sigh

As for the blue wheels....it's my belief that we should try to challenge people's perceptions of what's normal (or, Norman). White, yellow, red, etc. etc. are all accepted in Stratosworld, so methinks it's time to shake the scene a bit with blue :)

13-11-2021, 05:12
There’s nothing I want more than to see Norm’s full frontal. I’m just trying to picture where the staples will go.

13-11-2021, 12:35
Yes, it'll only be a little prick. Oh hang on....

20-11-2021, 10:34
2022 SEC Calendar update:

• Peter C. has completed the artwork
• Mark Eaton has ordered the calendars and they have been delivered to me.
• I am taking PayPal payments for the calendars directly, and mailing them out (NOT via the SEC club shop, it's a long story...).

Please send me a PM. message for the PayPal address. (PLEASE give me your full postal address in the message & make sure there's no PayPal fee to me)
For those who have my email address, please use the email to stop my PM inbox getting full.

The price for one calendar inc. post is:
UK, Europe and Worldwide at same rate - £13.00 (I need the whole £13.00 - no fee to me)
Same price for all SEC members.

Thank you.

20-11-2021, 11:43
Done and thanks

Guy Mayers
20-11-2021, 11:43
Looking forward to the long story Chris....
You have funds!

20-11-2021, 11:45
Funds from me too

20-11-2021, 14:11
Note from the Chairman - Just in case anyone's concerned that Chris might abscond with the Calendar Loot, rest assured we've got him chained to a security ring concreted into the floor of his gaff, only to be released when he hands over the moolah to the club account.
OK, that's just a bit of whimsy - he's actually bricked up in a corner of his garage with only a 2 foot square opening to take orders and get the calendars out. But, it's also a very big Ta to him for taking on the ordering/posting process while Treasurer Mark's in hozzy.

I'm also authorising a reduction in price for overseas members, down to the domestic rate. Reason for this is cos we've decided that we should give them something from the club, seeing as they pay their subs to keep us going, but never get the chance to participate in club activities, and this is a way to maybe make up for that. Never fear, we'll still be making a small profit so it's not like we're giving away the crown jewels!

And while I'm here....I'll take a chance the calendar's not just pix of Pete and Jim's bolides and have one meself. Thanks Chris! :)

20-11-2021, 14:40
I'm also authorising a reduction in price for overseas members, down to the domestic rate.

A discount you say?

So, when you say "overseas" does there specifically have to be a significant body of water involved or does the puddles I've encountered down near Berwick when going through passport control at the border count?

... askin' for a tightfisted Scottish friend.

20-11-2021, 16:44
....uh-huh... ;)

As a bona-fide Scot, I can give you a discount which takes your payment to £13, saving you the princely sum of....nowt :)

Chris, while I'm here - money sent, in 2 lots cos I'm not good with figures. Ahem.

Kenny m
20-11-2021, 19:33
Does the Irish sea count ���� only joking message sent Chris.

20-11-2021, 21:46
Hi Chris. Funds sent to your PayPal a/c and thanks to all involved in organising the Calendar.

Kenny m
21-11-2021, 08:42
Funds sent Chris thanks again to all

21-11-2021, 19:36
Funds set to your PayPal

22-11-2021, 08:38
PayPal funds sent
Thanks to all,

22-11-2021, 11:51

Funds just transferred, many thanks for the effort to all involved.


22-11-2021, 22:08
Hi Chris, calendar funds sent. Thanks for your time and effort to make this happen and all involved.
Cheers Steve

27-11-2021, 12:16
Calendar received. Looks great! Thanks to all involved...

Guy Mayers
27-11-2021, 13:03
Thanks for the calendar! Arrived safely today.

27-11-2021, 15:36
Calendar arrived today,Thanks :)

27-11-2021, 18:30
Got the calendar today, great work.

28-11-2021, 10:48
Hi Chris. Funds sent via Paypal. Thanks to everyone involved for getting this arranged.

Kenny m
28-11-2021, 19:58
Calendar has arrived picked it up today looks great thanks to everyone involved.

29-11-2021, 14:28
Got the new rear (longer) trailing arms fitted on Saturday when not quite so cold.
Managed to charge the battery on my old style sony camera and brave the cold.
Got some moody shots as nature intended for next year's calendar


29-11-2021, 14:30
Castle anthrax in the snow. Used to be a coach house and then poultry farm

29-11-2021, 19:10
My Calendar arrived today, so thanks again to all involved and Steve some nice early entries for the 2023 version. Very festive, got to be candidates for the December slot, particularly like the 1st one.

30-11-2021, 18:40
Mine arrived today. Many thanks. Much appreciated

30-11-2021, 19:01
My Calendar arrived yesterday, great. Thank you all.

01-12-2021, 21:03
Just sent via PPal

01-12-2021, 21:42
Got my calendar
Great work thank you

Stratos Fear
03-12-2021, 19:54
Got some moody shots as nature intended for next year's calendar

Great - hold that thought - we can definitely use some snow shots next year

04-01-2022, 12:13
'Just to say, there are still some 2022 calendars available.

Stephen Gregory
05-01-2022, 22:22
Happy New Year guys

as ever milking cows and generally being a busy boy I have once again forgotten about the Stratos calendar for the garage, what is the chance of acquiring one at this late stage ?
hope everybody has had a great Christmas and new year and all the best for 2022.

06-01-2022, 08:27
Happy New Year guys

as ever milking cows and generally being a busy boy I have once again forgotten about the Stratos calendar for the garage, what is the chance of acquiring one at this late stage ?
hope everybody has had a great Christmas and new year and all the best for 2022.

Hi Stephen,
'Still ok for calendars. Please send me a private message (PM).

11-01-2022, 10:18
Can someone PM or email me Stephen Gregory's postal address if poss, if they know?
'Would like to post today, and have not heard from him.

Too big for the post box and I don't travel to the nearest post office every day.

Stephen Gregory
27-01-2022, 21:56
Hi there
laid in bed with covid , if didn’t get my address this is it
dought farm, back lane , Southfield , Burnley , BB10 3RG