View Full Version : Hello from Germany

German Stratos
01-01-2022, 23:24
Hello all, I am going to build an LB STR in Group 4 specification. Regards

02-01-2022, 13:19
Hi Dan, good luck with your build, and post your progress here so we can all see how you're getting on with it! Have you got your kit yet, or will it be arriving soon?

02-01-2022, 15:01
Welcome to the mad house!

Good luck with the build and keep us posted on progress please.

German Stratos
02-01-2022, 21:33
Good evening, thanks that I am welcome.
I hope that the delivery is not that late this year. In the meantime I will make the X19 parts fine and build up the 3.2 Busso and the Gearbox too, but at first I had to clean all. 1906319064

02-01-2022, 21:58
Keep the photos coming. :D

23-01-2022, 13:57
Hi and welcome here by all this stratos maniacs!
and pictures from progress are always welcome

saluti Enzo also from germany :)