View Full Version : Lancia Classiche from FCA Heritage

11-03-2023, 20:05
Club Peeps,

Newer members may not be aware (and some older ones will have forgotten) that the SEC is affiliated to FCA Heritage, the part of Stellantis responsible for its rich history and past, and the preservation of the classic cars of Fiat, Lancia, Abarth and Alfa Romeo. Yes, even though most of our members' cars are replicas of one stripe or another, we're still recognised by FCA Heritage as we honour the outstanding icon that is the Lancia Stratos.

I've just received an email from Marco Fazio in Italy, the guy responsible for FCA Heritage's clubs coordination, to announce their new authentication service for Lancias. Seems everyone's in on this now, as old-established marques realise the importance of their past and take steps to preserve it. Now I realise that this won't amount to much of a hill of beans to the vast majority on here, as most of our cars aren't Lancias (no matter what badges are on them...), but for those who DO have a genuine Stratos or any other Lancia and would like some sort of certificate to prove its authenticity, here's the answer to your wishes.

Email copied below....

Cari Amici dei Club Lancia del mondo,

mi permetto di scrivervi per presentarvi il nostro servizio di ?Certificazione di Autenticit??, attraverso il quale la Casa Madre certifica la perfetta corrispondenza delle caratteristiche di origine delle vetture prodotte nel corso della nostra Storia.

La squadra dei tecnici FCA Heritage ? organizzata per eseguire i rilievi delle vetture presso la sede di Torino, oppure presso le strutture Stellantis&You di Roma e Palermo.
In alternativa, il nostro personale pu? raggiungere al vostro domicilio le auto da esaminare, ove le stesse si trovino in luogo chiuso, illuminato e dotato di ponte sollevatore.

Il prezzo varia a seconda del modello della vettura e parte da 600 euro +iva.

Particolari sconti sono previsti per certificazioni multiple, anche in loco, per esempio in occasione di un evento o un raduno da voi organizzato.

Vi prego di ritenermi pi? che disponibile per ogni vostra ulteriore domanda e vi ringrazio se vorrete diffondere questa notizia fra i vostri soci.


Dear Friends of the Lancia Clubs in the world,

I?d like to introduce you to our "Certification of Authenticity" service, through which the Factory certifies the perfect matching of the original specifications and characteristics of the cars produced along our History.

The FCA Heritage team is organized to carry out the surveys of the cars at the Turin headquarters, or at the Stellantis&You facilities in Rome and Palermo.
Alternatively, our staff can reach the cars to be examined in your place, if they are in a closed, illuminated place and equipped with a car lift.

The price depends upon the model of the car and starts from 600 euros + VAT.

Discounts are available for multiple certifications, even on site, for example on an event or meeting organized by your Club.

Please consider me more than happy to answer any further questions you may have and thank you for sharing this info with your members.


Chers Amis des Clubs Lancia du monde,

Permettez-moi de vous ?crire pour vous pr?senter notre service de "Certification d'Authenticit?", avec lequel le constructeur certifie la parfaite correspondance des caract?ristiques d'origine des voitures produites tout au long de notre histoire.

L'?quipe de techniciens de FCA Heritage est organis?e pour effectuer les expertises des voitures au si?ge de Turin, ou chez Stellantis&You ? Rome et Palerme.
Alternativement, notre personnel peut rejoindre les voitures ? examiner chez vous, ? condition qu?elles se trouvent dans un lieu ferm?, ?clair? et ?quip? d?une plateforme ?l?vatrice.

Le prix change selon le mod?le de la voiture, ? partir de 600 euros + TVA.

Des remises particuli?res sont disponibles pour de multiples certifications, m?me sur place, par exemple ? l'occasion d'un ?v?nement ou d'une r?union organis?e par votre club.

Veuillez me consid?rer plus que disponible pour toute autre question que vous pourriez avoir et je vous remercie si vous souhaitez diffuser cette information parmi vos membres.


https://apis.mail.yahoo.com/ws/v3/mailboxes/@.id==VjN-HlqsTRA6ZpBxoZaKlNSYJ_zAozRawcQGQpBCjk66ZLpmMiYLi3Yr1ab0WvQGA_A6Gl2LEeEb8L4Fd0GBJs5fOA/messages/@.id==ACI3gDVt69BYZAtmQAKMWNdDYII/content/parts/@.id==1.2/thumbnail?appid=YMailNorrin&downloadWhenThumbnailFails=true&pid=1.2<button tabindex="-1" class="c27KHO0_n b_0 M_0 i_0 I_T y_Z2hYGcu A_6EqO c1AVi73_6FsP r_P C_q cvhIH6_T P_eo6" type="button" data-test-id="icon-btn-download" title="Download" style="font-family: YahooSans, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; appearance: none; padding: 4px; line-height: 0; border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; margin: 0px; font-size: 13px; cursor: pointer;"><svg viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="D_X W_6LEV H_6LEV cdPFi_ZkbNhI cZW7ROP_n en_0 cvhIH6_T">

Marco Fazio

EMEA Heritage
Historical Services Manager
Clubs Coordination

Viale Alfa Romeo
20044 Arese (Milano) ? Italy

Tel. 0039 02 444 29 115
Mob. 0039 334 629 53 81

marco.fazio@stellantis.com (marco.fazio@stellantis.com)
www.fcaheritage.com (http://www.fcaheritage.com/)
