View Full Version : Brooklands - Italian Car Day Sat 29th April

Stratos Fear
18-04-2023, 14:40
There is the Italian Car Day at Brooklands , Weybridge, Surrey on Saturday 29th April.

I'm hoping to take my car along - so if any other SEC members are likely to be there let me know - it would be good to meet up.

It'll be nice to show something a bit different from the usual boring Fezzas and Lambo's !


18-04-2023, 19:25
Hope to go assuming weather is not too bad

18-04-2023, 23:01
Peter, loved to have been with you, but it is a bit far for a one day round trip.


18-04-2023, 23:54
i may be able to go, I’ll have to confirm with “the one that you obey”

20-04-2023, 10:30
Fairly local to us, so we usually go. I believe wifey has bought tickets.

25-04-2023, 20:07
I'll be there, pretty much as usual, and should be doing the MBW track demo in the lunchtime sessions.
Usually do the Test Hill as well, though don't know if I will do this year.

Vince Abbott usually takes his car along for demo and MBW laps too.

28-04-2023, 20:23
Any particular meeting point for cars going tomorrow?
Never been to the Italian day so not sure how they organise the layout, post code for the general Italian cars entrance is (KT13 0QN)

28-04-2023, 20:46
Italian cars are parked in the Brooklands Museum grounds, though Alfa owners club usually has a massive turn out and fills the connecting car park for neighbouring offices. The organisers will let you know where to park.

As Vince and I are part of the display cars, we get parked in a different area to the rest of the club and marque stands, and need to get there a bit earlier.

28-04-2023, 21:08
Hi all
The overseas contingents will be there, by 10;30am at the latest i hope. (If the boats are running to time!)
Can you leave me a space please.

29-04-2023, 08:08
I know it probably goes without saying, but can we have a few photos please. It is sounding like you will have a great day out at a great gathering.

Stratos Fear
01-05-2023, 15:20
Robin and anyone interested - it was a great day - the weather was good and wall-to-wall beautiful Italian cars (although probably too many Ferraris) and not many Strats. I counted 5 of us and we were scattered throughout the site. I arrived before 10.00 and was shown to the overflow parking on the old Brooklands embankment . I caught up with Ian Gear (our oversease contingent from I of Wight), Richard and partner (Revs) and Paul (GTM Paul), and John Rutter (Rut the Nut). There was one other who I didnt get a chance to speak to - not sure who it was , sorry.

It was the first time I'd been to this event and I enjoyed it - a pleasant change from the classy crowd you get at Goodwood who - to quote a petrol-head neighbour - are a bit "up themselves" - it was more fun and casual !

2106321064 I particularly liked the use of the term "general " Ferrari parking - this was just for the bog standard Ferraris.


Guy Mayers
01-05-2023, 16:23
The missing name is Vince Abbott. Alitalia no 10 - probably the nicest car out there!

Looks like a superb day out, shame it's a bit too far for a day trip for the North West....

01-05-2023, 18:19
Yep, it's a fair old trek. But then, we've got the Yorkshire Run and the Northern Drive-Out weekends up here.....might we see you on one of those, if only to say Hello? ;)

Guy Mayers
01-05-2023, 19:51
Not ruling anything out Norman! I've got the Beta rebuild on the go at the moment, the Malvern and Newark shows and a new motor to drop into the Stratos this season..... Good job I'm retired now!

02-05-2023, 19:32
I didn't take this pic it was on another Facebook site, first time to Italian day and was impressed, the level of interest was better than most kitcar shows

07-06-2023, 13:22
Some shots I took at Brooklands the other week - sorry, copied images weren't visible, so removing them now. Might get to add them back another way, you never know...

08-06-2023, 15:38
Bah, such a tease... don't seem to have permission to see them :)

(I just see a grey no entry sign for each pic)

08-06-2023, 16:46
Bah, such a tease... don't seem to have permission to see them :)

(I just see a grey no entry sign for each pic)

That's odd, I just pasted in the images directly. Guess the forum s/w would rather have links :(

08-06-2023, 17:06
I don't even see a grey no entry sign :confused:

08-06-2023, 22:03
Some shots I took at Brooklands the other week, now added so forum is able to display them