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Thread: Greetings from the North-West

  1. #1
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    Greetings from the North-West

    Hi Peeps,

    I'm Norm, from St Helens, near Liverpool, and recently joined the club - seemed to be the sensible thing to do, as not long ago I started investigating the LB car, and now I seem to have developed a strange desire for one... what a surprise (not).

    I've got a bit of history with Stratos reps, as I built an Allora back in the day. Steve Greenwood used it on his stand at a couple of shows when he took over the Allora project and started Litton Cars, before he built his own. I got it on the road in '89 and kept it till '92, when I got seduced by an Integrale Evo. What can I say...I'm fickle

    Looking at some of the build threads on here has only strengthened the desire, so I've exchanged a couple of emails with Craig, and now it's time to arrange a time to go and have a look at his setup. But, I was also wondering if there was anyone in the North-West who's got an LB in build, or complete, and who wouldn't mind me coming to have a look? Actually, it doesn't have to be just the North-West, but anywhere I can get to and back in a day...can't beat seeing something for real, and incidentally drinking other people's coffee

    Looking forward to making some new friends (cos it's not just the cars, is it?)



  2. #2
    SEC Member Guy Mayers's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Norman? There's a name from the past! I suspect that you'll remember the names Geoff Turton, Gary Picken, Austin Smith and myself? Of the four of us I'm the only one still with his car although I doubt you'd recognise it these days unless you have a memory for number plates! Geoff moved on to an Integrale then a couple of Mitsubishis, a Peugeot with the rally arches etc and is now back in his favourite. The Integrale. But he's also looking for a Mk1 Escort and a Stratos replica again and is still in the same workshop in Widnes. Austin is racing a Morgan and Gary is developing turbos and is into Porsches. I've not changed allegiances!

    I'm not aware of anyone in this neck of the woods building a LB at the moment but good luck scratching the itch again!

    Last edited by Guy Mayers; 03-10-2016 at 18:10.

  3. #3
    SEC Member ah_sprite's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Hi Norman,

    Welcome to the forum! Perhaps you'll remember Reg Barker from the Lake District who built a white Litton in the late 80s/early 90s? He still has his car, and it's his fault really that I got into Stratos replicas, after seeing his car from the window of the school swimming bus as a 10-year-old!

    I too have been fighting to scratch the itch, having sold a Hawk a couple of years ago. Went to see Craig last week and put an order in for a chassis (oops!). I must say that I think you'll be impressed with the quality and engineering of the new kits, and you'll probably get just as much from going to see him as you would from seeing any other kits. He's got quite a bit down there at the moment so there's plenty to look at. That said, I have also been to see a car that's about 80% done, and it was great to get a builder's perspective too and have a chat about any challenges involved in building.

    You'll have plenty of time to source your donor car and find the other bits required as there's quite a waiting list at the moment. I suppose that means though that you'll have no excuse to mess around when you finally take delivery!


  4. #4
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Hi Fellas! Impressively fast responses there...obviously just sitting around waiting for your tea

    Guy, yeah, how could I forget you and those others? I know you've still got your car - saw you a couple of times over the last few years, but you always seemed to be in conversation with someone so never did get the chance to say hello. I saw Geoff Turton a couple of years back at a launch do at Porsche Chester, where he was demo'ing his gaming rig with the racing seat and pedals and screen, XBox etc. As usual for Geoff it was top-flight stuff...if he's still at the Gold Triangle Industrial Estate (sounds like somewhere that Stratos replicas disappear....) I must pop round and say Hello.
    I've got into Porsches too over the last 10 years. Never used to like 'em till I drove one - now I'm on my 3rd - a Boxster Spyder, and it truly is a bit good, even better than the GT3 I had before it!
    Impressed you've still got the old girl - I reckon they'll probably bury you in it Thanks for saying Hello and great to meet you again, if only virtually - next time I see you I'll deffo do it for real, even if it means pushing some poor sod out of the way!

    Rich, thanks for the welcome! I don't remember Reg - not the name, anyway - but if he bought a Litton in the late '80's, I must have met him. Cool that he's still got it! Does he still drive it? I get up to Cumbria quite a bit, but never seen him out in it (although I did see one parked up down at Backbarrow, must be, what, 10 years ago now...maybe that was his...think it had black wheels?)
    I'm a bit jealous of you getting on the list - you've got something to look forward to now (probably "sleepless nights"). I won't be able to do anything for a couple of years for one reason and another, but I suppose that's no reason not to get my name down...
    What struck me, having looking at the LB component set, was how much the state of the art has moved on. I think that's down to customer demand and expectation, but it's also attracted a different breed, who aren't prepared to cut corners just because they can't afford the real thing (in fact the LB seems to be a lot better than the real thing in many ways). However, I still need to do my homework and get answers to a few things, and as you say, you can't beat speaking to someone who's been there, done that. So this is probably only the start of me annoying the L out of folks on here....

    Actually, I probably won't be initiating any posts on here (yet) as I've not got anything to post about. I might, however, stick my oar in on existing threads...if you're not careful

    Well, gotta go, as the nurse has come to wheel me away to bed. See you both about on here soon, assuming they let me play with the computer thingy again



  5. #5
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Hi Stratos-Type Peeps,

    thought I'd let y'all know that I finally succumbed to temptation and gave Craig and Lydia the Xmas prezzie they'd been dreading - a deposit on an LB kit...I must have worn them down because they sent me a receipt for it, rather than immediately returning the dosh

    Anyway, I've been looking out for donor parts and suddenly, in the space of a few weeks, I seem to have accumulated the large bit (an Alfa 156) and almost all the smaller bits - just need another pair of X1/9 targa catches and a pair of 850 Spider interior handles, and that should be me done (Famous Last Words). While waiting for the chassis I can lay them all out in the garage, in the approximate positions they'll occupy in the kit, and in a Cinderella-style twist hope for a Fairy Godfather (well, it's Italian, innit) to come and wave his wand (!!!) and turn them into a Stratos (till the clock strikes midnight, or the beer wears off). Well, it'll keep me amused, anyway.

    Still not decided on colour, but fave at the mo is some sort of mad screaming yellow with blue interior (carpets, anyway) and wheels, and black spoilers. Although the orange of the original prototype has a certain allure...

    To Be Continued, as they say in certain circles (the ones I usually find myself going round in).

  6. #6
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Well done Norman. You can call it a Xmas present even if it's not going to show up for a while!

  7. #7
    Free user strat24v's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Yellow looks great. Admired Micks yellow LB.

  8. #8
    Site Supporter ProtoTipo's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Hi Norman,

    Did you turn up at the Kit Car Action Day at Oulton Park in a yellow Corbra?
    On this day? (see pics.):
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 8.32 1.jpg   DSCN2106.JPG   DSCN2105.JPG   C.EllisMLs.jpg  

  9. #9
    SEC Member LM mic's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    Congrats Norman and welcome to family LB owners !
    Yellow , Orange .... watever they are very very nice colors specially with your choice of interior
    Your christmas day will come surely do not worry .... as soon as you will have to unpack all these cardboard full of nice laser cut part , stainless beautifully welded ones, machined uprights etc etc
    For now you will be probably busy too??? ...Alfa 156 to pickup all needed parts.... Cleaning engine....
    Well done
    Looking forward to start watching at your build thread
    Last edited by LM mic; 16-12-2016 at 05:24.

  10. #10
    SEC Member mel lewis's Avatar
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    Re: Greetings from the North-West

    I think this one is the closest Lister Bell to you, see the thread " LB in Wales " and give Steve a shout.


    Welsh piloti rally sono i migliori del mondo

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