Well there's a bit of synchronicity - was only thinking about this yesterday and thinking it most likely wouldn't be happening in June. I've also been giving the Northern Run some thought too, with similar conclusions/alternatives to those just mentioned by David. So for what it's worth, here are my thoughts...

Moving the run to September or October is fine in principle, although you have to also consider the weather and the shortening days. September's OK - goes dark about half 7 in the middle of the month - but October can be a bit tricky as it can get very autumnal and it's then dark at half 6. Doesn't mean we can't still have a fun time, just that it's not at all summery. I personally don't have a preference, so I'll go with the majority verdict, and if it ends up being next year, so be it.

As for the Northern Run in August (and I'll be posting this on that thread too), I'm currently leaving it alone till it becomes clearer as to what the virus/lockdown scenario is. Anything could happen in the next 3 months, but my Plan B is to move it to September 12th (assuming the hotel has free rooms - that particular date is one where the Lindisfarne tide times are in our favour). I'm not contemplating moving it to October as I think it's getting a bit too late in the year, and the route is better appreciated in the summer months. But for now, it stays as is, along with the crossing of many fingers