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Thread: Covid 19 and the AGM

  1. #1
    SEC Member Griff's Avatar
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    Covid 19 and the AGM

    Fellow members, I have discussed this matter with 'our Norm' in his capacity as chairman of the club. Given the current situation with Coronavirus (Covid 19) it would seem reasonable to assume that the outbreak in the UK is likely to get worse, before it gets better.

    I am raising this issue because at some stage HM Government may well suspend public events, where high concentrations of people congregate together. If that does happen, then it is probable that Stoneleigh may not take place this year, and that would in consequence preclude our AGM get together.

    If those circumstances do transpire, then my suggestion would be to postpone the AGM, and as an emergency measure the current committee would remain in post until such time as the reconvened AGM can be held.

    Current HM Government planning assumptions are based around Covid 19 being present in the population until early August, therefore can I suggest that we could potentially reschedule the AGM until Saturday 12th September, at a venue tbc.

    This is for discussion, to gauge the response of the membership, your thoughts, expertise, and concerns are all welcomed

  2. #2
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM


    Chairman Norm here. I'd been thinking about this for the last week or so, and even made a joke (sort of) that there might be no Stoneleigh show this year, and how that'd save everyone from having to go But now there's a real possibility that might actually happen, and so we have to be ready to react. Apart from not being able to attend any shows if the government bans large gatherings, the only way it really affects us as a club is in our holding of an AGM, which usually happens at Stoneleigh. It's only two months away, so if such a ban comes into effect we'd not have much time to organise a self-contained one elsewhere (we got, as I remember, 49 people at the AGM last year, which could be alright depending on what number the powers that be consider to be a "large gathering"). Therefore, after chatting with Griff, we think September-time for a "backup" AGM works as it gives us time to sort something out if necessary, and check out the lie of the land Corona-wise over the summer. But, in the meantime, it's still Stoneleigh unless we're told otherwise.

    If it transpires that we can't hold an AGM at all, it won't matter what the club rules say about holding one every year, cos we simply won't be able to do so. Therefore, we might end up balloting you all regarding committee membership. But hopefully it won't come to that.

    I dunno....all this over infected beer. What's the world coming to???

  3. #3
    SEC Member Stratos Fear's Avatar
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    all this over infected beer.
    I'm old enough to remember when Corona was a fizzy soft drink ! Otherwise - sounds like a plan Norm.

  4. #4
    SEC Member Guy Mayers's Avatar
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    I think we might end up having our hand forced on this soon. Just seen the news that Techno Classica in Essen has been cancelled today. Okay, huge attendances and crowded halls there will be much more of a threat than the cowsheds and halls at Stoneleigh to the general public but if you're on a stand and everyone is coming to you?

  5. #5
    Free user Lancialulu's Avatar
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    My daughter has some inside info on these viral epidemics. "It is predicted we ware in week 2 of a 16 week epidemic with most cases peaking at week 14" - if you can believe that then most things until end June are suspect.

    I have had a Fulvia rally in Savona late May just been cancelled....

  6. #6
    SEC Member Stratos Fear's Avatar
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    Interesting to see the cycle-time of 16 weeks Tim - not seen that figure before but it makes sense based on what we have seen in China and maybe Italy.

  7. #7
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    Shows are being cancelled everywhere now. UK and Europe. Not great when you have an interest in the exhibition trade!
    But I'm not going to bleat on about that as there will be plenty of businesses in the same boat or worse.
    It's obviously likely that Stoneleigh may go so as Guy says our hands are probably tied.
    Happy to carry on with the status quo club wise.

  8. #8
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    There could be an argument made that anyone who's been round the cowsheds at Stoneleigh and lived, is probably immune to just about anything that could possibly be thrown at them... anyway, despite that, as Guys says I guess we'll know soon, although it sounds like the government is trying not to ban large gatherings yet, even though they're moving from "contain" to "delay".

    I think we should pre-empt all that and have the AGM at Phil's garage day instead, but don't tell him - when everyone turns up he'll think he's really popular.

  9. #9
    SEC Life Member The Slug's Avatar
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    Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    Quote Originally Posted by Normb666 View Post

    If it transpires that we can't hold an AGM at all, it won't matter what the club rules say about holding one every year, cos we simply won't be able to do so. Therefore, we might end up balloting you all regarding committee membership. But hopefully it won't come to that.

    I dunno....all this over infected beer. What's the world coming to???
    The rules do say each year, but dont say when in the year, so Griff's idea would seem a wise move.. No one wants to catch it after all...

  10. #10
    SEC Member Kenny m's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Covid 19 and the AGM

    Stoneleigh still going ahead at the moment, spoke to organisers this morning but this could change. Anyone want to buy a couple of plane tickets ,train tickets from Birmingham to Kenilworth and hotel booking 😂
    Last edited by Kenny m; 12-03-2020 at 18:24.

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