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Thread: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

  1. #21
    SEC Member Neil63's Avatar
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    Deb & I booked & deposit paid. Thanks for organising.

  2. #22
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    You were right Phil, it's started already.

    Have to say though, that sort of behaviour pisses me right off. They've certainly got the right to use the roads, same as other forms of transport, but we all have a duty to be courteous and considerate to others - and blocking a carriageway simply because you're in a group, isn't it. The Highway Code says that you must allow following, faster vehicles to pass, and even I do that (amazement from the club members). Last time I happened across such a group I followed (initially) patiently, but when it became obvious they weren't going to allow me to pass (they must think that's my problem and nothing to worry themselves about), I ended up passing half of them and pretty much forcing a gap in the middle until I could pass the rest of them. You can imagine the shouts of rage... I wouldn't mind so much if these were kids who'd never been taught roadcraft, but they're grown men and women who also have cars, so they DO understand the principles of how it's supposed to work. I think perhaps groups of 5 or 6 riders is a reasonable number, making it far easier and safer to pass them one bunch at a time.

    Having said all that, not all cyclists are so discourteous and/or oblivious, and I always try to give them plenty of space and pass somewhere there's no danger of anyone getting hurt. But I do wish there was some sort of compulsory riding test to teach all on self-powered 2-wheelers how to behave....after all, if you want to ride a motorbike, you have to jump through hoops to be able to do so, so I don't see why it should be any different just because you have to provide the motive power yourself!

    Rant over....for now

  3. #23
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    Ooo, good stuff Neil! Not seen you two since the last Kielder run - hope it's a bit dryer this time

  4. #24
    SEC Member renmure's Avatar
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    I'll try to make an appearance since it's not too far (relatively speaking) away. Will book closer to the time once I can confirm.
    Will bring something suitable... wellies, a brolly and a big coat no doubt.

  5. #25
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    Hurray! Thr Northern Run finally goes international! Suppose it'll be the Southern Run for you, Jim....

    But "something suitable" ? That'll be Tunnocks and cans of Irn-Bru

  6. #26
    SEC Member Bernard's Avatar
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    Last week 2 out of 3 days on the way into work along an A road (single carriageway either way) but at 7am its really busy with cars and lorries etc, I crawled along at 20 mph only to find that there was ONE cyclist at the head of the queue holding up approx 30 cars.... and he clearly refuses to ride on the footpath (which never has pedestrians on it).... so who is the selfish Ba**ard ??

  7. #27
    SEC Member westonTB's Avatar
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    As an 'ex' cyclist who once rode many many miles I am now embarrassed/angered by most cyclist behaviour... I find the integrale really useful as its left hand drive with electric windows which give good access for verbal abuse and a good whack with my crook lock... (joking honestly officer)

  8. #28
    SEC Member ducatiman's Avatar
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    "What have the Romans or Cyclists ever done for us................other than.........."

    19th century cyclists paved the way for Modern motorists' roads - Car Drivers assume the roads were built for them, but it was cyclists who first lobbied for flat roads more than 100 years ago.

    The hard, flat road surfaces we take for granted are relatively new. Asphalt surfaces weren't widespread until the 1930s. So, are motorists to thank for this smoothness? No. The improvement of roads was first lobbied for – and paid for – by cycling organisations. In the UK and the US, cyclists lobbied for better road surfaces for a full 30 years before motoring organisations did the same.

    Cyclists were ahead of their time..............

    Full article....................

    Time to leave and close the door.............
    Last edited by ducatiman; 25-04-2021 at 23:35.
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  9. #29
    SEC Member Guy Mayers's Avatar
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    Well said Andy, we're all road users no matter how many wheels or hooves our mode of transport has. I think I can say that we'd like to think that we're all courteous users of the Queen's Highway and give extra caution to the more vulnerable out there.

    But there are some cyclists who don't..... On my journey to and from my (ex place of) work there is a 3 mile stretch of road that's a 60 mph limit. And the number of times a week you'd see cyclists on it instead of using the cycle path next to it beggared belief! Clearly signposted, with a separate footpath next to it. I wonder how much contributory negligence would be assigned to the cyclist that gets hit when they're on the main road and not using the cycle path.

    Caravans. That's the real problem. Should be restricted to the hours between 1am and 7am...

  10. #30
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    Re: Northern Drive-Out - Pennines, Kielder and the Borders - Fri 6th & Sat 7th August 2021

    As someone who regularly, drives cars and until recently a wagon, rides motorbikes ( not regularly in this country for a few years), rides push bikes and walks, I've found that there are a**eholes doing all these things ( yes, even walking) and unfortunately these are the ones who get noticed, not the majority who play fair by everyone else.
    Back to topic, still debating the dog situation Norm!

    Well said Guy, but I forgot about the hooves!
    Should be banned , IMMEDIATELY!!
    There is a particularly large nasty stain on the main road near
    Oulton because someone who thought they should be able to ride a skittish horse on a main road while everyone else kow towed to them found out they were wrong.....
    Last edited by john; 26-04-2021 at 08:34.

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