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Thread: Heads up regarding Adrian Flux

  1. #1
    SEC Member STR_Strat's Avatar
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    Heads up regarding Adrian Flux

    I thought I would give AF another chance as my insurance is up for renewal.
    What a complete waste of time.
    It took days for them to email the quote after chasing it several times checking the email address etc.
    When it did arrive it was full of mistakes, but the main issue was despite me making it perfectly clear that I wanted an agreed value policy and they took a note of the value, the price they quoted excluded it and they wanted an extra 150 quid to add it on.
    I think they have lost the plot

  2. #2
    SEC Member Guy Mayers's Avatar
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    Re: Heads up regarding Adrian Flux

    I've been with Hagertys for years now, really nice to talk to on the phone each year. Happy with agreed value policies etc etc. Never had a claim with them so cannot comment on that. Trouble is, they only deal in "classics" and may not see the newer registered cars as classics yet. Don't be surprised if they won't cover you but got to be worth a call?

  3. #3
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    Re: Heads up regarding Adrian Flux

    It's a proper shame when firms you've dealt with for ages go "bad". Same thing happened with me insuring the bikes with Carole Nash. They got sold to some large insurance outfit so it's all corporate now and the prices went up....

    Dave, I guess you'll be talking to Classic Line again? I'll be giving them a go shortly when the car's ready.

  4. #4
    SEC Member renmure's Avatar
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    Re: Heads up regarding Adrian Flux

    I insured my Ultima with AF on an agreed value policy. They were one of the few companies at the time who would cover it. In many ways they were a nightmare to deal with. I'm sure I ended up with piles of paperwork through the mail, most of it in duplicate or triplicate and I spent ages on the phone going backwards and forwards having to correct details over and over again.

    However.. when I managed to prang the car and did enough damage that would have bought a nice Porsche and leave a bit of change they were the most perfect insurance company ever and bent over backwards to have the car repaired, going the extra bit at every opportunity. On renewal, after my circa £40k claim my insurance premium actually went down with them!! They stopped insuring Ultimas a year or so later so I moved to Footman James

  5. #5
    SEC Member STR_Strat's Avatar
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    Re: Heads up regarding Adrian Flux

    Quote Originally Posted by Normb666 View Post
    It's a proper shame when firms you've dealt with for ages go "bad". Same thing happened with me insuring the bikes with Carole Nash. They got sold to some large insurance outfit so it's all corporate now and the prices went up....

    Dave, I guess you'll be talking to Classic Line again? I'll be giving them a go shortly when the car's ready.
    I'm with Classic Line now and happy with them, but because their premium went up significantly I thought it would be worth shopping around.

    Guy, I think I tried Hagerty before but like you said the car is too new, might call them again to check, never thought about Footman James so will also give them a call.


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