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Thread: AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th

  1. #1
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    AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th


    The club has now booked a pitch at the Stoneleigh Kit Car Show on the August Bank Holiday weekend, 28/29th August (thanks Ken!). It'll be at location 51B, which is our usual corner spot - therefore, it's our intention to hold our AGM there on the Saturday at 12:00, so if you'd like to attend, bung it in your diaries (not like the member who was a farmer, who put it in his dairy, and yes, I'll 'milk' that joke for all it's worth).

    Although we didn't get to hold an AGM last year, that doesn't mean we'll have loads of things on the agenda, cos as you'll be painfully aware there's been sod-all going on while everyone's been keeping their heads down. However, if you've anything you'd like to discuss, let me know and I'll add it to the list. I'll be looking to publish said agenda sometime in early August, after we've got the Northern Run out of the way.

    Also be aware that we'll not be doing the usual burgers and hot dogs and free cuppas as we don't know if the new marquee provider will be including the equipment in the hire, and it's not clear who'd want to volunteer to man the barbie! There also won't be any regalia items at the show - we've lost our Regalia guy due to illness and don't currently have a replacement for him.

    Now I've mentioned committee members, it's time to start thinking of who you want to stand for the club. The current committee have all indicated they're OK to continue, but you may want someone else in a particular role. In that case, put your name forward (or if it's someone else, make sure they're up for it first!) on here, and if we can get someone to second you/them, there'll be a vote on which candidate becomes an Exalted One (or Cursed One, depending). Current committee members/positions are -

    Chairman - Norm Briers (Normb666)
    Vice-Chairman - John Griffin (Griff)
    Secretary - Norm Briers (Normb666)
    Treasurer - Mark Eaton (Redline)
    Membership - Mark Eaton (Redline)
    Events Officer Peter Cutler (StratosFear)
    Press Officer -
    Regalia -
    Webmaster - Ste Williamson (colley12v)

    As you can see, we've no Press or Regalia Officers, so anyone fancy filling those roles? I'd also still like someone to take Secretary duties from me please - not an onerous task, but it doesn't sit well having the same person as both Secretary and Chairman. And although I've said we're all OK staying in role, Peter's indicated he's like to step down as Events Guy, although he'll continue if we can't replace him, so another opportunity for someone to, er, shine.

    Right, well, that's about all I can think of for now, but rest assured I'll update this thread if I think of anything or as more info comes in. And of course it could be that the whole Show gets binned depending on whatever mood the scientists/ministers/newspapers/other media interests decide....

    Fingers X'ed we'll see each other there!
    Last edited by Normb666; 12-07-2021 at 15:45.

  2. #2
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    Re: AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th

    Update on the AGM - we've managed to secure a marquee for the weekend, so we'll now have somewhere to shelter from the rain while we do the AGM thing. Thanks to Peter Cutler for organising that!

    As you can see, there's been no response to my request for volunteers for Press Officer, Regalia Guy (or Gal), Events Officer and Secretary, so have a think about stepping up and doing something for the club. You can either put your name here, indicating which position you're interested(?) in, or drop me a PM if you want to know more.
    Also, is there nothing anyone would like to discuss at the meeting? I know there's not been much happening since the last one, but are we really doing such an ace job that everyone's so blissfully happy? Or would you like to see something else that we don't provide? Let me know and I'll stick it on the list to be discussed. As it stands, other than the usual reports from the committee and (re)election of its members, there's not a great deal...and while I'm thinking about it, any nominations for this year's Chequered Flag Trophy??

    I'll give it a bit longer and publish the Agenda the week of the AGM, so the 23rd or 24th. Come on, don't want us forced to be renamed the Stratos Apathy Club, do ya??

  3. #3
    Site Supporter ProtoTipo's Avatar
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    Re: AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th


    I've got a few stickers to give away, as usual.

  4. #4
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    Re: AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th

    Ta Chris, I'll stick a note in the Agenda!

  5. #5
    SEC Member Stratos Fear's Avatar
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    Re: AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th

    Our Club location is Area 51 (location B) - but no reverse engineeering of alien UFO's - that I know of - and tent should be going up on the Friday. This is our usual club location so you shouldnt have problems finding it

    I'm hoping to get there early-ish on the Saturday to make sure the tent is in the right place and all the pegs are knocked in. With any luck there will be a couple of tables and a few chairs as well for the old and infirm (that includes me!)

    See you all on Saturday for the AGM.

    Peter Cutler

  6. #6
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    Re: AGM 2021 - Stoneleigh Showground, Saturday August 28th

    As promised, here's the Agenda for Saturday's AGM. Not had any requests to include items, nor proposals for committee membership. Doesn't mean either of those can't be included on the day, though.

    Both Treasurer Mark and Webmaster Ste won't be able to make it, so if neither can provide reports to be read out via proxy, they'll compile one to be submitted here on a later date.

    Think I've covered everything that needs discussing but if I think of anything in the meantime, don't worry, it'll get included on the day

    See y'all there!

    - Chairman Norm
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