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Thread: Facebook Page

  1. #11
    SEC Member Kenny m's Avatar
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    Re: Facebook Page

    Personally I wouldn't have a problem with the Facebook page , I do look at it regularly and enjoy looking at the pictures. Just prior to this thread being posted same day I posted a picture taken from the club calendar and informed visitors to the page that it was from the calendar it has had 85 likes 1 comment and 4 shares so far. Maybe the club could use the Facebook page to sell calendars coming up to Christmas etc. Possibly post a link to the club, promote ourselves on this page as a source of knowledge, everything Stratos, wanted for sale etc.
    Just a thought , it seems to be a place where people just post and share pictures nothing wrong with that maybe the the club should utilize it more to they're advantage and encourage people to join the club.

  2. #12
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    Re: Facebook Page

    Justin, I'm not saying I'm about to bin off the FB page. What I'm doing is asking the moderators to get their act together and ensure the club's not put in a position where litigation might be forthcoming, which includes all sorts of things such as personal attacks against other people, misrepresentation of a car, or as in this case where a replica is touted as a Lancia. You might not think it's that big a deal, and it's easily dealt with, but I'd refer you to Jaguar Land Rover's recent court case against a Swedish couple who built a C-Type replica, and Suffolk Sportscars, who made a nice SS100 replica as well as a C-Type. The result was that Suffolk ended up going under, and the C-Type peeps lost, with Jaguar wanting their car to be destroyed. If an organisation took it into their head(s) to take umbrage at something on our Forum or FB page, to the degree that they decided to take court action, I don't think we'd come out of it too well - we're too small and don't have the financial resources to fight something like that, where we'd be on the back foot to start with. So as club chairman, where my remit is to administer the club such that it continues to give benefits to its members, I have to ensure that the club isn't brought into disrepute and therefore we have to be whiter than white....yep, serious sh*t!!

    Who cares about replicas....well, a lot of car firms, actually. Ferrari are notorious for going after anyone who makes replicas of their cars, especially if they use Ferrari badging. Mercedes-Benz are another - they've had the moulds for a couple of 300SL replicas (the gullwing car) destroyed. So far we've been OK doing our Strat reps almost under the covers, but as Lancia rises from the (almost) dead who knows what they may decide to do? I'd rather not give them any more ammo, ta!
    As for Lancia badges on individuals' cars, well that's up to a car's owner. I personally don't care if you badge your car Lancia, Honk or Loser Bull, but the respective manufacturers might, and the club can't endorse a car that carries a Lancia badge that isn't either manufactured by Lancia or hasn't been constructed at their behest. Or, thinking about it, that doesn't have some form of approval from them.....which right now, means all replicas!

    For the avoidance of any doubt, and so anyone reading this knows - I'm deadly serious about this. I know I lark about, talk rubbish and tell crap jokes on here, cos life can be serious enough as it is. But I've been elected Club Chairman (and Secretary!) to perform a function, and part of that is to make sure our club continues into the future with its good reputation intact. I won't hesitate to act and remove anyone who tarnishes that reputation. And as I can't police our FB page personally, and I rely on our Mods to do that, then I'll close it down if those Mods aren't up to the job of doing it on our behalf. Do we all understand???

    Kenny, ta for the input - just seen your post as I was typing this. I don't think the people who use the FB page, who aren't members, have any interest in joining the club. Just recently someone with a genuine car posted on there and was informed he could also post on the Forum if he joined up, but he said "no, I'm happy on here, thanks". Fair nuff. But, if you think we could improve things FB-wise, what d'ya say to giving it a go and doing that for us? I for one would be grateful!
    Last edited by Normb666; 21-07-2021 at 19:22.

  3. #13
    SEC Member
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    Re: Facebook Page

    I think the issue is that it's called the SEC Facebook page, but it doesn't seem to be controlled by any elected members.
    Those having moderator status ( and editorial status it seems.....) have no accountability to the membership.
    Stratos Enthusiasts page, OK. SEC page, NOK.

  4. #14
    SEC Member Kenny m's Avatar
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    Re: Facebook Page

    PM sent Norm , to regards above.

  5. #15
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    Re: Facebook Page

    John - well put. I sense an AGM Agenda item appearing....

    Kenny - reply sent. Thanks a lot!

  6. #16
    SEC Member renmure's Avatar
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    Re: Facebook Page

    I personally think you are over thinking it. It's Facebook. It is what it is. Just go with the flow. I'd be surprised if more than a dozen of the 3500 folk who have "joined" the page would be aware there's any association with this club or forum.

    Norm, if it is giving you any momentary concern as Chairman then delete the page of you think that's what you need to do. I may think that's a silly thing to do but there's no end-game in trying to moderate the content of a facebook group. It's like herding cats. The vacuum will quickly be filled by someone else or some other group and the same photo, comment and content will appear elsewhere as they currently do anyhow but you will have separated the C of the SEC from the SE. There might be a storm in a teacup for 2 seconds then nowt because at the end of the day I don't think anyone cares. As I say, it's a facebook page. Google indexes over 620 Million facebook groups. 1 less won't matter.

  7. #17
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    Re: Facebook Page

    Cheers Jim, appreciate the input. Thing is, I don't want to delete the FB thing as 3500 users seem to find it some sort of temporary distraction....and yes, it's FB, but it's also Stellantis, who're a whole different thing entirely!

    Yes, I get that it might seem I'm over-reacting, but we've already had previous grief over some people calling their replicas a Lancia Stratos in a situation where they shouldn't, and where genuine cars were also represented. Face(book) it, if you had a rare car and someone you didn't know had built a replica for a tenth of what yours is worth, and then tried passing it off as genuine, you'd be pissed off too. And although the chance of a manufacturer taking umbrage is small, remember Jaguar never bothered with replicas of their old motors till recently, when they got very heavy....and look what happened...
    So, although the chance of litigation is small, I'd look a total useless tosser of a chairman if it was something I just couldn't be arsed to try and prevent. Agreed that no-one here cares that much cos it's "just the club", but Stellantis will care, and so I have to care too on behalf of all you lot

    I'm just disappointed that seeming professionals in the industry, as well as those here who should know better, don't care enough to get obvious details like this right. If it was me who'd spent all that time and dosh bringing a car to market, I'd damn well make sure it was referred to as what it really was and not referred to as some old almost-dead manufacturer's!
    Last edited by Normb666; 21-07-2021 at 21:56.

  8. #18
    SEC Member Bernard's Avatar
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    Re: Facebook Page

    As some of you know I have been a member of this club since day one and have seen various people come and go, various situations have also come and gone. The use of the word “Lancia” on our cars or in advertising, on a competition entry form etc, has been a bone of contention to some out there for years.
    The original point of my Facebook post was to bring to the attention of Hawk Cars that the paint shop (Kingswell) had used the word Lancia, and as such they may wish to do something about it in a softly softly way, that was something for them to consider, also it was to the SEC who site it is displayed on and who could be accused of association.
    I can assure you that my thoughts didn’t go any deeper than that.

    Therefore the use of words or title can be a serious issue, which if we can avoid a “serious issue” by just removing one word from an advert it can save potential legal problems. So I can fully understand why Norm is taking this point seriously, and quite right too.

    The thing that irritated me was that someone had removed my Facebook post without any explanation to myself whatsoever.
    Last edited by Bernard; 22-07-2021 at 11:01.

  9. #19
    SEC Member Karnevil's Avatar
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    Re: Facebook Page

    I like the facebook page.
    Comments photo's and video clips pop up on there and,providing you are following the page one gets informed of everything that is posted,making it,in a way more don't specifically have to go looking for a type of comment or picture.
    The forum,however,I find a more secure,specific,place where I am happier to post and discuss more private/security sensitive info(if people understand my meaning) and also I know that any info asked for and given will be more likely than not trustworthy.

    Now,I read the opening post on here and looked on the FB page and TBH did not understand.
    If I am now to have gained the correct idea the crux of the matter is a concern that it may seem that a body is passing off,either deliberately or accidentally,non genuine Strato's as genuine Strato's yes?

    I suppose this could be addressed by setting out in the rules that 1.The admins of the page do not condone such practice and any post not making genuine or replica clear will be removed.
    2. anyone posting must make clear they are discussing/posting about a) genuine,b) replica or c) unknown.

    Vetting new members could also be added to the joining/liking process and maybe a few more Mods could be recruited.

    I would happily offer to Mod,but would add the caveat that I am NOT all that knowledgeable about the genuine article but would give it a go.

    Or..................maybe I have missunderstood the whole thing?

  10. #20
    SEC Member renmure's Avatar
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    Re: Facebook Page

    Quote Originally Posted by Karnevil View Post
    I would happily offer to Mod,but would add the caveat that I am NOT all that knowledgeable about the genuine article but would give it a go.
    Sounds like the perfect volunteer to me

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