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Thread: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

  1. #1
    SEC Member
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    Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    A small group of us in both Canada and the USA are gathering together all of the people that have or are building cars over here in North America. It will not be a large group but we are all passionate and have varied early experiences in regard to loving the Stratos. As some of our group have posted in other areas of this forum you will see names you know and hopefully with new owners and prospective ones, we will be able to assist those over on this side of the Atlantic.

  2. #2
    SEC Member ChrisCar6's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    great idea and a good development.

  3. #3
    SEC Member Bernard's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    Nice one Mark !!

  4. #4
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    Hi Mark, sorry it took so long to jump on, the last week has been so busy. Thanks to the admins for creating another section and thanks to you Mark for doing the legwork. Hope others can join in. Regards, G

  5. #5
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    Took the car out for a couple or really long drives with some other rally car nuts. Nice to take advantage of the good days to drive while the weather permits.

  6. #6
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    Hey everyone,

    First time poster and long time Stratos enthusiast. I'm looking into starting the process of purchasing a Stratos replica car and could use some help on the titling side of the vehicle.

    Can anyone share any thoughts or experiences with Titling a ListerBell or LB Specialties Startos in the USA? Specifically in Washington? I imagine it would be easier to title a car that's already titled in the USA but I can't seem to find the right Stratos' for sale in the USA that I'm interested in. Most are in the UK or mainland Europe.

    Are there any resources (documentation or companies) that can be leveraged to help shipping and titling a Stratos coming from Europe?

    Thank you,

  7. #7
    SEC Member
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    I'm on the waiting list for my kit. It'll take a while.

    I'm hoping someone who has one near San Francisco can drop me a line so that I can see one of these in person!

  8. #8
    SEC Member
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group


    Hello from Portland, OR. I just finished an LB stradale and titled/registered it here in Oregon. There's another (an early LB) that was purchased from the builder and registered in Bend. I know the state requirements are different, but it is possible for sure. Ours is registered as a 1974 Lancia Stratos replica.

    If you have an other questions just LMK.
    Good luck, it's worth it.


  9. #9
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group


    There are 2 completed LB cars in Oregon - one in Bend and one in Portland. If you're ever up here you're welcome to look over mine in Portland (Alfa 3.0 12v, stradale) and do some driving. I was in the same boat as you. Placed the order, sent the money and waited for the kit to arrive, never having actually seen a Stratos - real or kit - in the flesh.

    It's worth the wait. LMK if you have any questions. There are a few active builds going on right now in NY and CA that I know of, and possibly more. It's a very friendly group of like-minded, enthusiastic builders/drivers. Lots of support available here in the states for those who want it.


  10. #10
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    Re: Welcome to the North American Stratos Owners Group

    Hi everyone- I should be getting mine in the March time frame. I've got a shipper on the UK side but I've been looking for a Customs broker on the US side. The cars are shipped in as "parts" so I wanted to find someone that's handled kit cars before.

    Anyone worked with a broker that's competent and has experience with kit car imports? I'm in the SF Bay Area.



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