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Thread: Insurance

  1. #1
    SEC Member Kenny m's Avatar
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    Hi looking for advice on insurance. So the car has passed IVA and still is at Struans some work to be done onit and painting but I'm told I will need to get insurance now . I have never insured a Stratos before or any other kit car so looking advise , insurance companies recommended, what I need to know to tell them etc. Salvage, agreed value etc. Any help would be much appreciated as I'm new to this. I dont even insure our own cars Jayne does that.

  2. #2
    SEC Member Ken Tomblin's Avatar
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    Re: Insurance

    Hi Kenny

    I use Hagety 0333 323 1181 value ?65000, RAC breakdown, renewal is ?337.00
    If this helps

  3. #3

    Re: Insurance

    Kenny, I used to use Classic Line but they became, in my opinion, somewhat expensive, so a couple of years ago moved to Footman James who were easy to deal with and much more sensibly priced.

    I am aware that there are at least 3 Strato's replica insured through them, so they have the advantage of knowing the cars. You will probable need an Agreed Valuation Letter, and such an item can be issued on you behalf that satisfies the requirement by our Chairman, Norman as an official of the Club.


    Started off with Adrian Flux for Build Insurance, but when it was complete I needed to shop around.
    Last edited by Longtimefan; 14-03-2023 at 21:33. Reason: comment added
    "Why make it easy when you can struggle"

  4. #4
    SEC Member LPH_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Insurance

    I'm with Classic Line last year it was ?470 at an agreed value of ?70k.

    Due in June so will shop around when it's up for renewal.

  5. #5
    SEC Member
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    Re: Insurance

    Yo Kenny, yeah, insurance can be a tricky one. It seems to be different for everyone, even with the same insurer! So your best bet is to ring around and get a few quotes ("we will fight them on the beaches", "I have in my hand a piece of paper that guarantees peace in our time" and, that perennial fave, "what could possibly go wrong?"). I've just re-insured mine through MSM, so give them a call and mention me and the SEC and they'll probably turn you down flat. The guy there is Dave Spragg who's well up on Strat reps so at least he'll know what you're talking about! 01279 870535, to save you looking it up.
    Some will require a Cat 1 alarm, some a tracker (I've got one from Autotrac, which costs a fiver a month), and if they want a valuation, giz a shout and I'm sure we can sort something that values your shiny new Strat at ?35K.

    By the way, you may find your valuation is somewhat higher than you expect - I think Leigh's is far too low - and your premium will reflect that figure....
    Last edited by Normb666; 14-03-2023 at 18:25.

  6. #6
    SEC Member Kenny m's Avatar
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    Re: Insurance

    Thankyou for the replies, I may have to ask you a few more questions but am not well today. So will be in touch. Kenny

  7. #7
    SEC Member Guy Mayers's Avatar
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    Re: Insurance

    Hope you're feeling better soon Kenny! I'm with Hagerty, renewal was ?360 odd but I updated the value to ?60k and it hit ?575. I've renewed but might shop around next year. I have heard others say Hagerty won't insure every car, some recent registrations might not be considered classics yet!


  8. #8

    Re: Insurance

    Adrian Flux charged me ?281 this year for ?50k cover. Probably need to up that.
    Last edited by StruanR; 14-03-2023 at 21:30.
    The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men
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    Virtutis Gloria Merces

  9. #9

    Re: Insurance

    Why do we get ? for a pound symbol?!
    The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men
    Gang aft agley

    Virtutis Gloria Merces

  10. #10
    SEC Member renmure's Avatar
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    Re: Insurance

    I'm under ?255 for an agreed value of ?130k with Footman James and 3k miles
    They seemed pretty clued up about these type of cars.
    Might need to up the valuation when the renewal comes round and, by the looks of it, lower the miles.

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