Help, I added a Hello thread to introduce myself in the 'Hello' section 4 days ago but it's not visible?
Help, I added a Hello thread to introduce myself in the 'Hello' section 4 days ago but it's not visible?
Well this is visible, so some good then
if you drill into your profile, this post is the only one
Last edited by hollytree; 12-01-2024 at 17:47.
And if you check the number of posts on the left side of the one above it shows only 1 post! Either way, welcome aboard! I guess you'll need to re-introduce yourself and tell us what your plans are!
Thanks gents, I'll have another go
Had another 2x attempts, no joy
Paging Mr Slug, paging Mr Slug.....
Thread log jam in the s-bend of trap Hello, needs poking through please
Chaps, have another go at viewing that original post. It came up as needing to be moderated so I did the biz....seen this a few times when someone makes their 1st post. No idea why but it's not a big deal to sort.
And for anyone wondering why it took me so long and where I've been, reason is that we've now relocated to the new gaff where there was no broadband or internet. Was really worried what you were all up to and what's been going on.....OK, that's a fib
Oh, and Welcome to Mr Minion, good to have you along!
Last edited by Normb666; 18-01-2024 at 19:06.
Congratulations on the move and good to have you back in control
Congrats on the move
Is there a tent warming party?
Control?? Hahahahahaaaaaaa! The words wool, eyes, pulled etc spring to mind
Jim, in this weather the word "warming" is relative..... "not as cold" is prob nearer the mark. Brrrrr.
Thank you, Norm