You have a PM.
You have a PM.
Hi Steve, you have a PM
Kind regards Ken
Hi Ken
Finally got engine rebuild completed and just booked a 3 day ticket so happy to be on club stand and kindly put me down for the parade lap.
Thanks for organising. All the best
Hi Ken,
Just done a late entry for the Sunday.
Hi Dave,
Great news we now have 9 Stratos for our anniversary parade!
This from Silverstone today:
We have a short car club video edit which you may wish to put out on your own social media channels. The link to the You Tube Clip is here.
Drop me a pm if any help is needed in setting things up. Debbie & I have decided to stop over at Silverstone on Thurs as well now to make the most of the weekend.
All the best
Has anyone got a spare ticket for sale on the Sunday 25th I have a family member wishing to attend
Pm me if you can help. Dave
Message from Silverstone Car Club section (via Ken Tomblin)
Good evening,
I just wanted to let you know that while we have had some availability with space, car club packages have still been on sale, but from the 1st of August, they are closed, so if you have any last-minute members who wish to join you on the infield, they will need to book by the end of July. After that, they won’t be able to take advantage of the discounted, bundled packages. They would need to buy normal General Admission tickets and wouldn’t be able to display their car.
For those of you arriving to set up on site in any capacity on Thursday, you will have filled in the H & S details already. Any vehicle you are taking inside the circuit will need to have a pass. You will be able to collect this from the Accreditation Centre along with your other paperwork when you arrive. Please can you provide me with the make, model, year, colour and registration of the vehicle. If you are NOT setting up on Thursday, then this will not apply to you.
If you are from a club who has already been in contact regarding a limited hours pass for restocking early in the mornings and evenings, please could you provide me with the make, model, year, colour, and registration of the vehicle you will be using. This pass is entry for an hour on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (1 pass does all 3 days) and the vehicle that is using it must be removed from site outside of these hours.
If you could send this me this information as soon as possible that would be helpful.
Many thanks