After announcing new, Hawk-supplied instrument panel for my latest project - refurbishing the pod & instruments on my own car - now I don't need it.
Assumption I'd replace this panel turned out pessimistic, since my old one scrubbed-up better than expected, so decided to stick with it. Keep things simple. Which leaves me a new one to sell...
These items fully-reversible and my photo shows the reverse - as it would be for a LHD version. (And also upside down...) You simply turn it around onto the other side to create a RHD dash.
The RHD side has black protective film on it to protect the brushed aluminium finish during installation.
Precision laser-cut instrument-holes = 100 mm in diameter for two main gauges & 50 mm for 5 lesser ones. Plus 4 rectangular openings for switchgear; then 5 small holes pre-drilled to take the standard Stratos fascia-retaining screws. All in their correct locations.
As a rectangular alloy sheet, you simply trim round the edge to match your own car's pod or binnacle - I guess they all vary. Paid 99.60 pounds a few weeks ago for it (@68 pounds plus 15 pounds for carriage; plus 20% VAT on both) - but am willing to resell within club for 85.00 pounds all-in. (Sorry - UK only, obvs.)