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Thread: Hello from Chester

  1. #1
    SEC Member
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    Hello from Chester

    I think it's about time I said hello, I've been lurking for the last couple of years but haven't actually posted anything yet!

    I live near Chester (UK) and for as long as I can remember I've been a complete car nut with a particular fondness for Minis, Caterham/Lotus 7s and of course the Lancia Stratos. I was the saddo in school who when everyone else had their English exercise book backed in the obligatory sticky-back plastic, I used a Chequered Flag Stratos advert torn from a magazine.

    So move on 40 plus years, I still have an itch that desperately needs scratching and it just won't go away. I've had Caterhams since 1998 (now on my second) and although Caterhams and the owners club are very much part of my life, it's not ticking the same boxes it used to ... probably because I take it to Europe a couple of times each year and every time I do I get soaked. If I can get started on a Stratos replica build ideally I'd keep the Caterham as well but ultimately it'll be a balance of garage space and the usual financial limitations. I'm also 70% of the way through a full rebuild on a Classic Mini, so yes, I need a bigger garage as well!

    I've been in touch with Guy and Kenny and I'm now on the Hawk waiting list for the waiting list, a little like how long is a piece of string but if I don't do something I'll never get to where I want to be. It's the Hawk, or rather the Transformer that got me thinking a Stratos replica was viable sometime in the late '80s with a big article in one of the motoring magazines, it could have been CCC but I can't remember for sure.

    So it's a big HELLO!!!

    Last edited by Bobbins; 25-11-2024 at 13:45.

  2. #2
    SEC Member
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    Re: Hello from Chester

    Hello & welcome, Stu

    Your story about being a complete car nut and the Stratos is a familiar one to many here, I suspect (though I don't know for certain, not having met or interacted with many forum members). You sound like you have one key quality, though: patience. But if that does run out - and you happen to be fortunate enough to have the cash laying around - they do come up for sale, albeit occasionally. This tends to happen in waves, it seems. with 3 or 4 coming to market all at the same time. But anyway, congratulations on taking the plunge. Maybe there'll be someone popping up on here who could take you out in theirs in the meantime, you never know. There appears to be a fair few more owners in "the Norf", rather than "the Sarf" but I could be mistaken..


  3. #3
    SEC Member hollytree's Avatar
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    Re: Hello from Chester

    Welcome Stu.
    I was from the Sarf, but now in the Norf.
    Chester is not far from Manc and I believe young Richard may still have a car for sale.
    The green one on the NEC stand - see post #31

  4. #4
    SEC Member Steve C's Avatar
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    Re: Hello from Chester

    Welcome Stu, I am just outside Oswestry if you want to visit, but a LB not a Hawk!

  5. #5
    SEC Member westonTB's Avatar
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    Re: Hello from Chester

    Hi Stu,

    Have a Hawk and happy to take you out for a waft about, near Hahersage in Derbyshire, so fairly near ish. I guarantee any wait will be more than worth it

    Tim & lhd Stradale.

  6. #6
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    Re: Hello from Chester

    Thanks for the warm welcome, I can see I’ll be knocking on some doors in the spring!

    My intention is a LHD Hawk. I’m a bit OCD about wanting things as per original and I suspect that even though there’s a lot of hours to put in, the Hawk will fit the bill. It’s a must therefore to be LHD and 2.5L V6 … a few less cc if I stumble on a 246 Dino engine that’s being given away … we can live in hope!!

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