Just one side repeater with studs intact.
I've got a pair but one out of the four studs is turning, as usual.
Or I'll have to buy a new pair. They're not expensive.
Just one side repeater with studs intact.
I've got a pair but one out of the four studs is turning, as usual.
Or I'll have to buy a new pair. They're not expensive.
I might have one - I'll check later today.
We are talking the Fulvia 'teardrop' shape?
Drill the stud out, put a rivnut in with a bit of araldite to make sure.
araldite a long bolt into the rivnut and then cut the head off.
now you will have a new stud that does not turn - hopefully
You can't fix them Steve. It's an age old bugbear with teardrop side repeaters. Rusty nut/stud overcomes the strength of the captive end (square section of the stud in a square hole in very thin metal.
For the pair of repeaters I managed to save three out of the four studs.
Being aware of this issue back in 1988 (!) when I found 2 crashed Fulvia in the local scrapyard I removed them by cutting them out. This allowed the nuts to be cut off carefully and the rusted threads cleaned. I suspect that they'll be rusted again now! But as Chris says, once the bolt head inside the lamp unit starts turning it's the end of it. Disassembly is possible but bending the tabs back is fraught with risks! Easier to replace with new. I'll have a look see if I've got one Chris! If you wanted a new pair Gerry has a small stock at the moment of newly made ones.