The show is a new concept based on the former Chatsworth & Rallyday Shows, we hope this will become an annual addition to the Motorsport Show calendar. We aim to run the event as safely as possible and will be under the guidance of the Motorsport UK team.
The event will start Saturday 1500hrs with Scrutineering, at 1700hrs there will be a Meet & Greet the Drivers / Co-Drivers and see the cars close up.
This will be followed by Tales from the Silly Seat, a forum based on former co-drivers who?ve competed at the top end of the sport and have many tales to tell.
Tickets for the forum in the Last Furling Marquee are priced at ?10.00 per person.
Sunday will see the event start at 09.30 hrs.
You must be in place no later than 0830am.
We aim to run 60 cars 6 times throughout the day; this will feature rallying, rallycross, and cross country 4x4.
We have 2 Trade zones; you can choose either Rally Action or Oval Zone, your choice.
Also in the centre of the show, we will have car clubs with an area set aside for a Show & Shine competition.
Also there will be a trade village, food court, and arts & crafts marquee.
A zone will be set aside for all non MSUK motorsport to show off their sport in the Oval Zone, set to feature Heritage Stockcars, National Autograss, Modstox, and Grandprix, Midgets & more.
If you wish to be part of this Event we have a simple rule;
If you wish to rev your engine until you have Piston Marks in you bonnet whilst your exhaust pops and farts then this show is not for you.
Simply complete the Form, Top Line please state which Car Club you are with ( don?t worry we will collate these) Make sure the form has your Full Address including Post Code as your Car Pass will be posted to you.
Link -
All members of your club must complete the form.
Price is ?15.00 per Car & Driver
Accompanying Adults ?15.00
Children U16?s go Free
Forgetting to add a Club Name means you will end up in the Spectator Car Park