Yes - I just got back from a few days in Cornwall but while there had a message from his sister who is overseeing his affairs. I had e:mailed Mark a week or so ago asking if he was accepting visitors as I had heard he had been moved to a hospice.

So I was surprised to hear from her just a couple of days before his passing to say that he was too weak to see anybody.

Mark was a great guy and I can say - a friend, who was very helpful and supportive during my build and was happy to spend time with me back in the summer helping with my steering / self centring issues when we installed some shims to reduce the front negative camber. Not only that (and living not too far from me on the South Coast )we would go over to Goodwood to the occasional Breakfast meeting in the Zenith Strat - and this year (as in previous years) to the Festival of Speed. I had bought tickets for the Supercar Car Park and the Stratos had no problems being accepted for this. I recall us being parked in the middle of rows of Ferraris and Lambos - and it was always the Stratos that attracted much attention. Mark very patiently and quite happily would explain to anyone who was interested the story behind the car and Lister Bell's specifically, while I waited (sometimes not too patiently !) for him to finish.
Mark was a great guy who was not afraid to use his car to drive all over the UK and Europe - as was mentioned earlier.
I will miss him greatly.