
Today at 17:05 the site was hacked, well the first part of the site was hacked and somehow malicious files were loaded to the Servers using a password bypass.

Our hosting company notified me at 17:07, however having a life, I happened to be out of the house and have only just managed to access our site and take action as requested by our hosting company.

I have changed My passwords as I control the forum, the site, and the way it is uploaded and administered.

I do not believe that any information has been take accessed and the site appears to be stable, however I would urge you all to change your passwords as it may be one of you that has been targeted in order to gain access.

If you do a current search on Google you will see that Vbulletin forums at the moment are being targeted and this is not an isolated attack, however by shutting down the forum now and then and installing the fixes and updates as I did the other night, I hope to keep the site clean and running, so I cant always tell you when this will have to happen so if you get the message the "Forum is currently off-line for updates" please bear with me.

If we have a IT forensic specialist in our midst which I think we have maybe they would contact me.
