Hi all,
Finally decided to take the plunge - having lusted after Stratos' for many years decided that the lead time for ListerBell provides a great window to finish existing projects, and most importantly, plan the spec for 'my' Stratos!
I'm a bit of a mid-engine fan - normal car an Elise, rebuilding an Europa, and with numerous motorcycles all requiring various degrees of work, I need to get this lot sorted so I can give the main event my full attention.
I'm unsure of spec - and am really enjoying researching this forum and other sources to help decide before I need to commit. Initial thoughts are of left hand drive ( I'm hoping to spend more time abroad) and I like the quirkiness, not a rally replica (although I do love the ones I've seen), with an emphasis in reliability and enjoyment - I know so will consider it to be a sign of a heretic, but I'm even prepared to consider the Toyota engine.
The best bit is I have time to decide, and the next step in that journey is Stoneleigh where I hope to be able to see a good range of cars, and perhaps even find some patient owner/builders to learn from! I'm sure everyone building new kit has been through this journey - I'd particularly welcome any observations as to what you're really glad you did (or did not) spec...